Sunday, April 25, 2010

Behind the Scenes of Lethbridge's History

History is more than buildings and antiques. It’s also about the people who came before us and the experiences they had. From May 1 to 9, we have the opportunity to learn about our collective past by attending Historic Lethbridge Week.

Hear from a Japanese Canadian who was placed in an internment camp during World War II and learn about Canadian war brides. A screening of a 1945 Oscar-winning movie and a 1940s dance hall party will help you re-live the fun side of the war years.

Demonstrations of Sumi-e (traditional Japanese painting style), Bonseki (art of creating landscapes on black lacquer trays using white sand, pebbles, and small rocks) and Ikebana (flower arrangement) get you in touch with your artistic side.

Other events such as cemetery tours and a peek at the Galt Museum’s collections vault allow a glimpse of often unseen parts of history.

Experience the stories behind the places and things that represent Alberta’s history during Historic Lethbridge Week.

Other locations in the province also offer similar historic festivals:

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