Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Domes of Lamont County

I’m not a regular church-goer, but I do appreciate ecclesiastical architecture. And there is a lot to appreciate on the Lamont County Church Tour.

Lamont County’s 47 churches add up to more churches per capita than anywhere else in North America. Denominations include Russo-Greek Orthodox, Lutheran, Moravian, Ukrainian Catholic, Ukrainian Orthodox, United, and Roman Catholic.

On the first weekend in June, many of the churches open their doors to allow the public a glimpse of the artistry within. From the architecture to the ornately-decorated interiors, there is much to admire.

The Ukrainian churches with their onion-shaped domes and elaborate interiors are my favourites. The walls and domes are often painted with icons and other religious decorations and a church’s intricate iconostasis is a work of art in itself. If you’ve never seen an iconostasis, you won’t believe the craftsmanship (see photos at the end of the post). Some churches have beautiful stained glass windows and enormous chandeliers that are unexpected elements in a country church. Many of the Ukrainian churches have bell towers separate from their church building. If you ask, you might be able to ring the church bells.

Volunteers are happy to tell you stories about their congregations, their churches and the symbolism and rituals of their religions.
Download a map of the participating churches and a brochure describing all the churches in Lamont County and hit the road on June 5 and 6 to explore the domes of Lamont County.
More photos of Lamont County churches can be found in the sidebar on the right side of the page.

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